Residential Networking Acceptable Use Policy
Use of your computer accounts, Pitzer Network access and their services is a privilege. By connecting your computer to the Pitzer College Network in any way, you have agreed to obey the rules and policies of the Pitzer Computing Department and The Claremont Colleges Policy Regarding Appropriate Use of Campus Computing and Network Resources. All users of Pitzer Network resources are bound to federal, state, and local laws. Failure to follow any and all of these rules may result in the loss of this privilege.
Users of any of the Pitzer College computer resources will follow all general lab rules.
- Each user is assigned an individual account. Users will use this account only. Users will be expected to show some form of identification when acquiring their account.
- The user is responsible for choosing a password during his/her first session, and for maintaining its security. Passwords must be changed every six (6) months, or as required by the system.
- The computer accounts of other users are private. Users who are caught snooping in or copying from other user’s files without the other person’s permission may lose their system privileges.
- Users misrepresenting themselves while using any of Pitzer’s computer resources will not be tolerated. This refers especially to sending e-mail messages using a falsified name or someone else’s account.
- No unauthorized use of the computer network will be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to attempting to break into other systems and creating and/or disseminating computer viruses.
- ANY process which might result in a loss of effectiveness or possible server malfunction should first be cleared with a Computing Staff member before attempting to execute the program.
- ANY changes to the content or configurations of any system or computer, with the exception of the user’s personal computer, MUST first be cleared with a Computing Staff member. This includes adding and running any programs outside of the established computer lab catalog (i.e. games).
- Violation of copyright laws will not be tolerated. Copyrighted material will be removed from Pitzer owned machines, this includes images and software that is not licensed.
- Any complaints regarding a user should be forwarded via Email to
- Users are not permitted to let friends and/or relatives use their accounts.
- No commercial use of any computing service is allowed. No sales are to be made or advertised. No fees are to be charged for use of any Pitzer Network access.
- Computer resources may not be used to engage in abuse of other users, such as sending abusive or obscene messages within or beyond Pitzer via the network.
- Users are responsible for their own data. All files should be saved either to the user’s hard drive, a diskette, or the user’s home directory. Any files that are NOT saved in a user’s home directory or to floppy disk are subject to erasure. The server will be cleaned out on a regular basis. Files saved on a student’s personal computer are exempt from erasure.
- Abusive or improper use of any Pitzer computer resources is not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, misuse of the system-operator privilege, tampering with equipment, unauthorized attempts at repairing equipment, and unauthorized removal of equipment components.
- Users who wish to use their computers to provide services to persons outside Pitzer via the Pitzer Network are bound to the policies of the Pitzer Network Service Provider Agreement
Note: Loss of the computing privilege includes, but is not limited to, deactivation of all accounts and removal of the user’s network connection.
Pitzer Network Service Provider Agreement
Any person who attaches his or her computer to the Pitzer Network and configures that computer to provide any service to persons outside Pitzer are bound to the following regulations. Any violation of these regulations could result in the loss of the computing privilege.
Once a student connects their computer to the Pitzer Network and configures that computer to provide any service to persons outside Pitzer via the Pitzer Network, that student becomes a Service Provider. As a Service Provider, the student is responsible for the actions and conduct of anyone who uses their service.
All regulations stated in the Pitzer Residential Networking User Agreement are to be observed by all users of the Service Provider’s services.
The Service Provider provides services at their own risk. No support, outside that given to any other student, will be given.
Many portions of the Pitzer Network are public (i.e. Web sites) and should be administered accordingly. Offensive and/or abusive material will not be tolerated.
Service Providers are not to allow access to the Pitzer Network to anyone who violates or otherwise does not meet the requirements of the Pitzer Residential Networking User Agreement.
No commercial use of any computing service is allowed. No sales are to be made or advertised. No fees are to be charged for use of any Pitzer Network access.
Note: Loss of the computing privilege includes, but is not limited to, deactivation of all accounts, removal of the user’s network connection, disciplinary action, and/or legal action.