Budget and Financial Services

Budget Management staff provide assistance to all Pitzer faculty in matters related to financial coordination and processes for R&A (research & awards), honoraria, travel funding, and student research assistants. We also provide support for students seeking research funding.


Faculty and Student Funding Opportunities

Funding SourceCall DateProposals DueSubmission Details
Student Conference TravelYear-RoundYear-RoundSubmission Form 
Catherine Blore Endowed Memorial Book Fund for New Resources Students - Fall & Spring

Fall: 9/13/2024

Spring: 1/24/2025

Fall: 9/30/2024

Spring: 2/10/2025

Submission Form
Faculty R&A - Fall & Spring

Fall: 9/13/2024

Spring: 1/24/2025

Fall: 9/30/2024

Spring: 2/10/2025

Submission Form
Student R&A - Fall & Spring

Fall: 9/13/2024

Spring: 1/24/2025

Fall: 9/30/2024

Spring: 2/10/2025

Submission Form
Katie Lawson Endowed Memorial Award3/27/20254/14/2025Submission Form
JF Harmon: Faculty-Student Summer Research Assistantship Program 3/27/20254/14/2025Submission Form
The Doman Social Sciences Research Fund and the Davis Humanities Research Fund4/11/20254/28/2025Submission Form

All requests for payment and reimbursement should be submitted through the Payment Request Form.


Financial Processes

Faculty Travel

Faculty Travel to Professional Meetings
Full-time Pitzer and Keck Science faculty on Pitzer rotation [including those on sabbatical leave and unpaid professional leave] are eligible up to $2000 for travel to conferences each academic year. Part-time Pitzer and Keck Science faculty on Pitzer rotation who have taught 2/5 or more per year during consecutive years shall be eligible for funds during the year following the accumulation of a full year’s equivalent of teaching time. The emerita/us faculty are eligible for up to $750 in travel funds, provided that such awards do not come at the expense of active faculty members in the award year.

Each faculty member normally has a yearly allowance of $2,000 in an academic year for funds to assist with travel made during the fiscal year which runs from July 1 to June 30 and may not be carried over from one fiscal year to the next. Funding may include one or more trips.

Student Travel

Travel, registration, room and board costs for students who are presenting papers at academic conferences, who are working with Pitzer faculty are eligible for funding. Funding ranges from $200 to $500, depending on cost of airfare, registration and hotel. In all cases, students are encouraged to minimize costs wherever possible (e.g. sharing a hotel room with fellow student presenters).

Students must provide documentation confirming that their papers have been accepted for presentation at the conference in their application. Applications for funding must be submitted prior to attending the conference. Students will receive responses within 10 working days. Students must email original receipts to be reimbursed.

Permitted Expenses

View the current travel policy [PDF], including allowable and non-allowable travel expenses. View the college expense reimbursement policy [PDF]. These policies may also be found on the Treasurer's Documents & Policies webpage.


Faculty Travel

Student Travel

Permitted Expenses

Travel Reimbursement
Travel reimbursements can be processed after the trip has occurred. Due two weeks after return from travel please submit Travel Report Form [PDF], and travel receipts showing proof of purchase. Please include hotel check-out folio with itemized charges or lodging receipt, airfare purchase including passenger and flight itinerary, transportation, and meal receipts as applicable. Please submit all receipts showing proof of purchase and supporting documentation using the Payment Request Form for reimbursement.

Travel Advance – Spend Authorization
Spend authorizations can be processed prior to travel. A spend authorization can advance funds for work travel and can be processed after pre-approval for travel is granted and total travel expenses have been estimated. If you choose this option, please submit a travel advance prior to travel using the Payment Request Form, please include conference date information, conference/seminar agenda, invitation, airfare receipt, and lodging reservation, etc. Please indicate in the comment section of the form that you would like to request a travel advance spend authorization.

After travel is complete, but no longer than two weeks upon return, please fill out the Travel Report Form (PDF) and provide all travel-related receipts and supplementary documents to close out the advance, by using the Payment Request Form. Please indicate in the comment section of the form that you are closing out a travel advance.

Reimbursement for Meals/Class Meals
Reimbursement for meals must include itemized receipts and proof of payment. The business purpose and names of attendees must also be included. There is $50 available per class for end-of-semester food (pizza, cookies, etc.). Itemized receipts and a course roster are required for reimbursement. Please submit all receipts and supporting documentation using the Payment Request Form for reimbursement

Reimbursement for Events Funded Through Teaching, Learning, and Campus Life Committee 
Events funded through the Teaching, Learning, and Campus Life Committee (TLCLC) are prepared by the Dean of Faculty’s Budget Management Team. Please submit your receipts and all supporting documentation including event announcement, flyer, and award letter using the Payment Request Form for reimbursement.

Honoraria/Class Speaker
To process an honorarium, the person receiving payment must submit a W-9 Form [PDF]. The W-9 form must be signed either with a handwritten signature or with DocuSign eSignature. Please submit the completed W-9 form along with the name of the speaker, the date and subject of the presentation, if presentation was given over Zoom or in person, honorarium amount, and the budget the funds should be expensed from using the Payment Request Form. For class speakers there is a $50 honorarium for each individual class per academic year. For class speaker honorariums please submit in addition the course roster.

Student Research Assistants
Faculty members who plan to hire a student research assistant will need to specify an available budget (i.e., Faculty R&A awards, endowment funds, external grant funds, etc.) for the student wages to be charged.

Administrative Departments or Programs with Student Employment Budgets
Faculty and administrators who plan to hire students for an administrative department, program, or field group with an existing student employment budget, please visit Posting Positions and Hiring Students on the Student Employment website. This usually refers to administrative departments or programs like the Writing Center; Community Engagement Center; Redford Conservancy; Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures Lab; Pitzer Gardens; Study Abroad and International Programs; Pitzer Galleries; Media Studies; IGLAS; etc.


All students must still complete the hiring process (see below) before working in a Pitzer College student employment position.

Two steps to hiring a student employee for existing student employment budgets

1. Recruit for the position(s)

To hire students, please review the College student hiring information web page.

2. Student completes the hiring process

Have your selected student(s) complete an authorization to hire student form.

Authorization to Hire Student Form

Once the student(s) have been selected, the student must work with HR to complete the hire process. This includes completing employment forms, providing I-9 documents, and onboarding and training.  Students can begin working only after receiving clearance from Human Resources. The student and supervisor will receive notification from Human Resources when the hire process is complete

Faculty R&A (Research and Awards)

Early in the fall and spring semesters of each academic year, a call is sent out to faculty for research, curriculum development, publication, and professional activity funding. The maximum award is $3,000 per academic year.


Full-time Pitzer faculty [including those on sabbatical leave and unpaid professional leave] are eligible to apply for funding. Part-time Pitzer and Keck Science faculty on Pitzer rotation who have taught 2/5 or more per year during consecutive years shall be eligible for funds during the year following accumulation of a full year’s equivalent of teaching time. The emerita/us faculty, who are not otherwise receiving funding for research from the College, are eligible for research funds, provided that such awards do not come at the expense of active faculty members in the awarding year.

Student R&A (Research and Awards)

Provides Pitzer students research projects in connection with Independent Study or Senior Thesis. Early in the fall and spring semesters of each academic year, a call is put out for proposals for students to apply. The maximum award is $750 per academic year.

Student Funding Opportunities

Catherine Blore NR Books:
New Resources Students with financial needs to offset the cost of their books

Faculty-Student Summer Research: Pitzer students receive a stipend to undertake a research assistantship with a Pitzer Faculty member during the summer with funding

Katie Lawson Endowed Memorial Award:
Helps Pitzer Students, particularly psychology majors, to pursue their social work or community service objectives



- Faculty R&A (Research and Awards)

- Student R&A (Research and Awards)

- Student Funding Opportunities

Contact Us

Budget and Financial Services

Please see our office staff directory for details on our areas of service.

Dean of Faculty's Office